Sunday, August 24, 2008

Nine months old and it's gettin' ever so hard...

{The least likely candidate is my favorite.
In the end I went with with the best expression} keep him still long enough to get a good shot. Scratch that. A decent shot. I thought I would share some outtakes along with the fave that documents his ninth month.
I'm out of photo ideas and the photos shoots are getting increasingly difficult. I've had to enlist the help of both Ashley and Neil to help me set Drew down when I'm ready to snap a shot. The past two months have been particularly difficult because when possible I like to use natural light vs. my big clunky dinosaur flash. It has been overcast the past two times. Our house is lit like a middle row townhouse (translation: not enough light folks) so I have to drag my flash out, wait for it to warm up, test the area, put my little prop out and then have Neil place Drew where I need him and then (at the mercy of my flash) see what we get. We get one photo, then we have to wait about 20-30 seconds for flash to recharge. Yes, this is frustrating. Add in that we have a super mobile nine month old with crazy old man toupe type hair and it's just a wonder we got anything at all! Enjoy!

{poor doggy - see the word 'DOGGY' on his outfit?
it's my poor attempt at coordinating something, but his hair's a little crazy}

{grrreat. can't see the word or tell that it's a dog *but* his hair looks good!}

{I like this one. It's very "Drew"}

{I think he looks adorable here}

{this may have been the best opportunity. the dog looks good, you can see 'DOGGY' perfectly. not so much for the smilin' in this one and his hair.
oh good gracious, the HAIR!}

{ok, both the dog and the kid look like they could use a V-8, lol}

{uh oh...he looks like he wants to go somewhere}

{crawl off, will ya?}

{this is what we do to little kids who crawl away!}

{and as always, the natives find a way to sneak into the pictures!}


Andrea said...

I adore the 4th from the last (the one that looks like he wants to go somewhere)...he shows lots of personality! ITA that it is getting harder and harder to get decent pictures...just wait until he turns 3 :(

dana said...

ah, look at all that hair!! he's just a doll!

-Bridget said...

These are all adorable pictures! He's such a cutie. I love the Donald Trump wannabe combover he's got going on.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

Your kiddso are so adorable! And Drew is such a cutie pie. The upside-down shot cracked me up. ha!

Samantha said...

Great pictures! My favorite is the one right before the upside down one.

Stevie had the Trump comb over until he was about a year old too.

McLeodx5 said...

cute. period. :)

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