Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Tuesday adventures

Well, no one could accuse me of coming up with creative blog titles lately! I documented a usual day around our house. I was *going* to get some pictures of Jonathan at his swim lesson so he would be included, but I left the house without it! So, here's our day:

Ashley and Paige work on a craft together (sun catchers!)

Drew works on his sewing skills (er, um...chewing skills?)

and now onto a bit of fishin'

AHA! I will eat you now!

Last night we went to a TCA drop-in clinic for Ashley. I told the coach to give the girl with the pink shirt a hard we all know, Ashley's volume level is a minus four, lol, so when they would do a group huddle he would ask her to lead with a loud '1-2-3 volleyball' and of course it was mouse-like volume. I apologize that they are blurry...I didn't want to use flash and be too distracting, and they're not tight shots because I needed the wide angle to catch as much of the action. Oh, and I did next to nothing in the way of cropping. Sorry, too many pics today to worry with extras in the editing!

TCA is the only club in our state that teaches jump serves at Ashley's age. With a little convincing Neil, she will likely try out at the end of August and hopefully gain the skills and confidence to make the 8th grade team.


McLeodx5 said...

looks like a busy but FUN day!

AudreyO said...

What a fun day. I love volleyball. We have friends whose son plays at a very advanced level. We've gone to some of the games and love cheering him and his team on.

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