Saturday, May 24, 2008

I don't have a cup of Joe, but could I interest you in a cup of Drew?

{how much sugar would you like? one lump or two?}

a little toying around with the photo per an online request

Well, he's officially six months old and you know what that means? It's time to reminisce in how quickly our littlest guy is growing up. Six months ago today at precisely 2:30 in the morning, Drew made his grand appearance a la roadside delivery in a library parking lot. Though it was neither mine nor Neil's best three minute adventure (due to the stress), the result was amazing. A healthy baby despite the dramatic and somewhat traumatic unfolding of that event...his birth. If you've never read the story, click here to find out the details. I apologize that it's so long, but when I wrote it, it was with the intention of journaling for my own personal memories. I think by this time Saturday morning we were still kind of in that 'what the heck' happened mode. Somewhat tired, a little confused, running on empty and adrenaline at the same time. I am *so* thankful that despite the circumstances the birthing center saw fit to send us home in time for breakfast. I remember looking at his little triangle shaped feet thinking 'yup, those were very uncomfortable all shoved under my ribs'. They were long and wide. He never really "dropped" - at least at any of my visits just before he was born. How he defied gravity as a fourth kid, I'll never know.

So, for today I thought I'd scavenger the message boards in the hopes of coming up with a cute idea for his six month photos. Some months are easier than others. Last month it was less than ten minutes of pictures and lots to work with...this month, not so much. I mean, I got some cute stuff, don't get me wrong. And the blog header (the pic at the top of the blog) was done a little differently this time - I let Neil pick his favorite to put in for his six month photo. Let's go through the rest of the pics together, shall we?

boys in tea cups can still be 'macho'...right? lol
why this photo didn't work: random toes popping out - makes
ya think he's all crammed in there ;-)

i love his hair in this one

this was my original front runner, but upon first glance you
don't really *get* that he's in a tea cup, so I passed

my other prop that I thought I would like better...nope...


the original in color



Rebekah said...

oh my goodness - too cute!! Umm, and I'll take two sugars with that!

Rebekah - BBC

Riley, Connor, and Beth said...

He looks adorable!! I think the teacup worked wonderful as a prop!

Anonymous said...

I love these pictures! OMG too cute. Send these has cards to everyone in your family because he is too sticken cute.


-Bridget said...

Those pictures are adorable!

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