Friday, July 17, 2009

What a week for bracelets!

{this bracelet shows the different stages of a baby's growth in the womb}

Here are some bracelets that two friends from church gave me this week. The first is a pro-life bracelet created by a company called Conception Is Life. You can buy them individually or in bulk for a really good discount. They might make for a good fundraiser too. The friend who gave this to me last night is very active in the pro-life movement, often driving to Waco to meet with people and counsel them out of an abortion. Though he is not the owner of this company, he bought several hundred to pass out and of the four he had kept for himself, gave me one. I've already shown it to two friends we met up with today {which I'll blog about later} who absolutely love it and especially the prayer on the back of the bracelet.

The second is part of a set that includes a necklace as well. Roger, who is a friend from my Bible study class, makes these as a hobby, doesn't charge a thing - reminds me of St. Paul.


Alice said...

Wow--I love it. Can you please bring me one? It looks a lot like the one I wear with different pictures of the Blessed Mother and Baby Jesus. I'd love to witness by wearing the pro-life one. Thanks for this post--see you soon!

confused homemaker said...

Very cool bracelets. I have never seen those before, absolutely awesome.

Martina said...

Alice: I wish, but Lynn only had four of his own. But I'm sure you can order directly from the company. :)

B: Aren't they neat?? I've been wearing mine around a lot lately.

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