Tuesday, April 7, 2009

I can always make time for friends!

{Holly and I have been buddies since 8th grade}

Lately, I've been on a social kick. I think it's all tied to that Spring fever I get each year.

You know what I'm talking about.

The urge to purge. The need to organize. Going through closets and finding what doesn't fit, hasn't been worn, the style is so outdated it won't come back anytime soon.

Spring tends to bring with it a lot of feeling like you're ready for change. As the cooler months close out I find that I'm ready to reconnect with friends and see what's been up.

As it turns out, the timing was perfect for meeting up with one of my longtime friends from 8th grade. She's in town through the week for work and we decided to meet up for a quick lunch today.

So, now's the time. If you're around and we haven't gotten together, give me a call and let's put something on the books.

It can be your choice of lunch, dinner, meet up for mani/pedi's or do a little shopping and chat along the way.

I'm just sorry we didn't have more time to visit today. Holly, you'll have to come back for a visit with the family so we can hang out some more!

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